Friday, July 24, 2009

Canon Photographer of the Year

Got a call from Canon and was told that I had won the contest for the month of June. I submitted the following photo taken during my trip to Vietnam last year, for the June's theme Happiness.

I was also lucky to have won in the month of Mar under the theme Colour:

I've been shooting my new toy Olympus E-P1 for the last 3 weeks and had left my Canon gear in the shelf. So I finally took out my Canon again today to shoot for the July's theme Nostalgia:

The prize for the monthly contest is a Canon digicam. At the end of the year, the photographer with the most points will win the jewel 5D2 + 24-105mm lens! I'm certainly going for it!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Olympus E-P1

Bought the E-P1 as soon as it reached the retailer shelf. So glad that I got it in time as a birthday gift for myself. :)
I've always liked the small form factor. It is not small enough to replace a LX3 but the E-P1 system is significantly small and light enough to differentiate itself from the DSLR.

I've yet to examine the raw files but the JPG are pretty good. I also liked the Art-Filter, an in-camera processing software, to alter images with saturated colours, soft-focus and pin-hole effects etc.

I'm currently shooting in RAW with JPG and find that the camera can be pretty slow in clearing the buffer after firing several shots continuously. And with the Art-Filter in use, continuous shooting is disabled and all the CPU resources are utilised to process the filter effect. And at times, the LCD screen can appear to be jerky with very bad refresh rate, which may result in missing the critical moment.

Overall, I liked the camera. Its has an cult status appeal and inspires me to make photographs.